I'm trying to get better with baking, if anything because if I find myself on Top Chef one day, I want to be ready for the dessert challenge. I think part of baking is that it seems like an event, so doing it requires an attitude of "I will conquer this". On Thanksgiving, I made my first pie crust from scratch and felt pretty proud about that, even more so because of the lattice top.
Last week, I was feeling courageous so I decided to try something a little more complicated with greater room for failure - cream puffs with a chocolate sauce. I found the recipe in How To Cook Everything and was particularly intrigued by the dough. It requires making a pâte à choux, whose literal translation is "cabbage paste" for the way it should look. It is the dough used in making cream puffs, eclairs, profiteroles, beignets, and what I am most excited to make, gougères, or cheese puffs. The really cool thing about choux pastry is that when baked, it rises to about three times its original size because the air in the batter steams and expands the dough. As a result, you're left with a hole in the middle of your pastry that is perfect for filling.
I also made a vanilla custard to fill my pastries with and made a scrumptious chocolate sauce to drizzle on top by melting dark chocolate in heavy cream.
The results of the baking:
if you have any leftovers that you need to get rid of, you can mail them to me
Like you I will do anything to avoid baking, and have a particularly irrational fear of yeast.
The cream puffs look great, but you have to admit they're still a chef's dessert. I want to see you get out breaking out the measuring spoons for the ridiculous 1/8th of a tsp.
Also wrt you recent tumblr update. I think those herbs qualify as 'micro cilanto' and can be sold to O Ya as locally produced herbs.
do you think they barter? I will deliver fresh batches of micro-cilantro for a daily supply of the onsen egg.
Custard and chocolate sauce so good I'd slap my momma in the face for some right now!! A proper desert that should be, as with most good deserts, served with a Lipitor chaser. My heart aches for them, or from them, I'm not sure. mm mm good!!
hahaha the comments on this are hilarious.
Angela, for someone who is scared of baking, cream puffs were a pretty big jump!
Maybe its the science major in me, but I love all the measuring.
The puffs look delicious... you should remake them and infuse the custard with matcha! Then walk straight to UPS and mail them to me.
What are you talking about, I had some of that banana cream pie thing you made over the summer! Those cream puffs look so drippy and chocolate. Definitely try the matcha like Joanne suggested! I like to fill with whipped cream instead of custard though.
I will admit not all baking adventures go the way I want and I've never felt actually angry at inanimate things than when I stare at an dessert misfire. I'm not a salvager in any sense, so if it turns on me I just throw everything into the trash furiously.
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